Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor day fun!!

  So yesterday was Labor Day, right? And what better way to celebrate Labor Day than to spend the whole day on shift! That's right, Helen (my lovely roommate) and I signed up to work Labor Day as one of our holidays. That means we were on shift the entire day and had security that night as well. We were dead tired by the end of it, but it was SO awesome!

  On holidays the interns who are on shift get to plan out the entire day for the girls., meals and all. Helen and I began planning a couple of weeks ago and finalized the details about the day on Sunday, so we were prepared. Holidays are a bit intimidating because there is no staff here...only us! But by God's grace we made it and everything worked out great.

  For breakfast we made chocolate chip pancakes, which were delicious, if I do say so myself.

   We also made cards, painted nails, had an ice cream sundae bar, and watched a movie. But I think the highlight of the day was our photo scavenger hunt! We had two teams and whichever team was the most creative would win. We did things like take a picture with a mailbox, a Virginia license plate (guess who's they used), an interesting perspective, a random stranger, and a bunch of other fun things. The photos turned out so great and funny! Afterwards I took our cameras up to the classroom and showed the pictures on the projector screen. There were lots of jokes and laughs.

  I am so thankful that the day went so well! I know that God orchestrated the whole thing and gave Helen and I the wisdom that we needed to lead the girls well and to get through the day. Last week was hard, with a LOT of challenges and situations where I had no idea what to do, and I feel very encouraged with how well our little holiday planning went. So thankful for this job and for how God is going through each day with me and orchestrating everything, even when He sees fit to have me fail and have a hard day. I'm still learning every day and being stretched more and more.

  Please continue praying for me, that I will trust that God is sovereign and in control. It is difficult for me to go into something not knowing what will happen (I'm such a planner), and I'm really trying to work on trusting that God is already there and that HE is in charge, not me. Please pray for the girls, that God will continue to work in their lives. Pray especially for those who are not believers, that they will understand the Gospel and their need for Christ. Pray for our new resident we welcomed in this past Wednesday. Pray that she will understand the teachings here and see things biblically, as she is having some confusion with the teaching here and at the church.

  Thank you all so much for all of the prayers!! I CANNOT do this without much prayer support.

"Come now, you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit'; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'"
-James 4:13-15